About Us
The International Federation for Secular and Humanistic Judaism (IFSHJ) was the successor organization to the International Federation of Secular Humanistic Jews (founded 1986). Leading figures in the IFSHJ have included Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine, founder of Humanistic Judaism in North America; Yair Tsaban, former Minister of Immigration and Absorption in Israel; Albert Memmi, well-known French writer and professor of sociology at the University of Paris; and Yehuda Bauer, noted historian and Holocaust scholar at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. And its activities and affiliates included communities in Europe, the former Soviet Union, Latin America, Israel and North America.
The International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, as well as its sister program Tmura-IISHJ, were affiliates of the IFSHJ. IFSHJ held its last international conference in 2004, and despite an effort to revive its operations after the death of Rabbi Sherwin Wine in 2007 by Marvin Rosenblum (dec. 2011), the IFSHJ by ceased active operations by 2014.
The legacy achievements of the International Federation are many: its biennial international conferences created powerful experiences and fellowship across borders and languages. Its position statements provided a strong voice on crucial issues for vast numbers of secular and Humanistic Jews around the world. In 2010, the IFSHJ published the English edition of Judaism for Everyone…Without Dogma by Dr. Bernardo Sorj. And it maintained an online directory of secular and Humanistic Jewish organizations and websites.
The International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism has preserved the best of these achievements. The message of Secular Humanistic Judaism is not confined to one nation or continent or language – it appeals to modern Jews anywhere in the world. And that was the mission of the International Federation of Secular and Humanistic Judaism.
Position Statements
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